Fresh Start Rescue Inc relies on donations of all kinds to keep doing what we're doing. If you're coming to visit us, please consider bringing with you some cleaning supplies or fresh produce for the tortoises and lizards.
Cleaning Supplies: Chlorhexidine, Lysol/clorox wipes, paper towels.
Produce: Fresh greens, squashes of all types, carrots, fruit (no citrus please).
Rats: Frozen rats are hard to bring with you but you can add money to our account on RodentPro so we can buy exactly what we need! (just put in NC -> Animal Rescue -> Fresh Start Rescue Inc in the red box and choose your donation amount)
Donations of Goods: If you're a business or individual who has items you would like to donate to us either for use by the animals, or for us to use as a fundraiser item, please contact us by email.
Donations of Money: All money donated to Fresh Start Rescue Inc is tax deductible and a receipt can be mailed or emailed to you upon request. You'll find our donate buttons on every page of our website and our Venmo/CashApp QR codes below. If you prefer to mail a check, it can be sent to:
Fresh Start Rescue Inc
P.O. Box 256
Willard, NC 28478
Cleaning Supplies: Chlorhexidine, Lysol/clorox wipes, paper towels.
Produce: Fresh greens, squashes of all types, carrots, fruit (no citrus please).
Rats: Frozen rats are hard to bring with you but you can add money to our account on RodentPro so we can buy exactly what we need! (just put in NC -> Animal Rescue -> Fresh Start Rescue Inc in the red box and choose your donation amount)
Donations of Goods: If you're a business or individual who has items you would like to donate to us either for use by the animals, or for us to use as a fundraiser item, please contact us by email.
Donations of Money: All money donated to Fresh Start Rescue Inc is tax deductible and a receipt can be mailed or emailed to you upon request. You'll find our donate buttons on every page of our website and our Venmo/CashApp QR codes below. If you prefer to mail a check, it can be sent to:
Fresh Start Rescue Inc
P.O. Box 256
Willard, NC 28478
Links for other ways to give back to fresh start rescue Inc....
Capital One Shopping is a helpful discount/savings resource if you're looking to donate items.